Thursday, January 15, 2009

I recently traveled to Passe Cataboise, Haiti on a mission trip with three amazing women from different parts of the United States This was my first time visiting Haiti and I was immediately struck by the lush beauty of the land. Rolling hills and cloudless, blue skies were the back drop for many of my photos, although the true beauty of Haiti lies in the faces of its children.

HAITI 2009

Caitlin Beidler's Mural

The Market

Bathing the Twins

When I first met these twin babies, they didn't know how to smile. It was difficult seeing these babies unwashed, unfed and neglected. I took each child on the hip and hiked up to the house where we were staying. I bathed them, fed them, washed their clothes and gave them all my attention. I looked forward everyday to my time spent with the babies. That week they began to smile.

Children of the village

The Clinic

These shots were taken at the clinic. The man in the photo has gangrene of the foot. Annemarie, the only nearby doctor, just explained to him that his foot must be amputated. The amputation is done with her husband's hand saw, the closest available tool for this procedure.


Most of Haiti's landscape has been stripped of its forests in order to produce coal, commonly used for cooking.

Haitian House

Baby Feet

People of the Village